OK, so the renovation is done now comes the putting it back together, picking up the pieces period. The area that I can't seem to get control of is the dust, that fine layer of dust that keeps appearing no matter how much I vacuum. Where is it coming from? Yesterday I spent a good deal of time vacuuming and mopping the mudroom hoping to stop the traffic of bringing it in from there... we will see if that helped.
dust, everywhere dust |
Studio Here's a photo of the new studio, it looks so peaceful with the one chair, the Benjamin Moore color Platinum Gray is so pretty, remember the red I had in there. Part of me just wants to buy a laptop, reupholster an old chair I got at an estate sales years ago, and put a big fluffy rug in there and call it a day. But I got too much stuff for that. The Bertoia chair that's in there now, I bought from a dear friend a few years ago. I love it but it's not the most comfortable of chairs.
studio, calm and peaceful |
The photo below is what my studio looks like now. Yes, I was sharing the space with a refrigerator, piano, chandelier (need to take that down), old gum ball machine filled with bouncy balls. Now all of that needs to go into the photo above! Well not the piano or the fridge. The fridge is being picked up on the 19th and I get a check from Comed for $50 bucks.
Anyway, I know what you're thinking don't bring the clutter into the new studio. And I'm right there with you. No way am doing that! I'm going to be careful to go thru things I really don't need. (Did I mention garage sale in the near future?) This is what I'll be working on for the next week. Wish me luck!
studio during renovation |
Kitchen Pantry The pantry, yes, I know this pantry is huge and I love it! The guys put up the shelves and I'm trying to get a feel of where things should go. I've tucked my microwave in there and I'm so glad I did, I can't stand that big smelly thing! We are thinking about getting a small fridge for soda which would go right next to the microwave.
As for the shelves, I'm trying to figure out what goes on what shelf. We aren't the tallest of families so item placement is essential. This is another work in progress.
Kitchen Pantry |
Mudroom Shelves When we closed up the window in the mudroom, instead of just putting a piece of drywall up, the guys thought it might be nice to give me some shelves. What a nice job they did! When I asked my daughter, Ruby, what we should put on them, she answers..."I'm sure you'll find something Mom". Which is true, but we are really trying to get rid of stuff, honest. So no, I'm not going to start collecting something new for the shelves, promise.
New Mudroom Shelves |
The photo below is one of my terrariums that are loving the new light, this one sits in the dining room window.
terrarium |
So I've got a lot to keep me busy and I won't even mention what I started doing in the backyard, that's another blog entry entirely!
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