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Circular Latch Hook

I have little scraps of yarn everywhere. I have to admit my studio stays pretty messy. I really try and tidy up when I start a new project but unfortunately it doesn't stay that way very long. Which I guess isn't horrible because, I'm always creating something in there. I have so many yarn scraps left over from my weavings that I hate to throw them out so I started using them for my latch hook art.

Latch hook sample using scrap yarn from weavings.

I have a ton of embroidery hoops that I've sourced from thrift stores and estate sales. I usually use them for my embroidery or punch needle art, but thought they would be perfect for this piece.

First, lay your fabric over your embroidery hook and make sure you have about 1.5-2" extra for finishing. Next attach the canvas to the hoop as you would if you were doing an embroidery piece. Tighten the screw at the top of the hoop and make sure to tighten that screw now and then because you want the canvas nice and tight.

Once the canvas is in place, start latch hooking, it's as easy as that. Click here for a link to my previous post on how to latch hook.

The main color on this latch hook is green as you can see below. I started with the green in an organic shape.

This bright green yarn is the main focus of this latch hook.

I decided to bring out all the color on this circular latch hook which is quite rare for me. I usually only use three to four colors on most of my weavings but I had so many scraps left over from other weaving projects I thought what the hell, let's do this!

This circular latch hook is taking shape.
What's great about designing a piece like this is that you can make it up as you go. It's a fluid design process and if a color isn't working just take it out. I must admit it's a lot easier to rethink a latch hook design than a weaving on a loom. Maybe that is why I'm so drawn to this latch hook craziness. And it's a great way to reuse the all the yarn scraps left over from other projects. I plan on making many more of these beauties in the future.

Trimming the latch hook makes all the difference.
So if you see an old latch hook kit at the local thrift store and the design isn't to your liking, create your own, be creative!

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